Wednesday 3 July 2013

Align Your Business To Your Purpose!

The emergence of women in business is not coincidental but evolutionary; however, life as a female entrepreneur is not necessarily an easy option. There are a myriad of factors and areas which need to be addressed when entering into entrepreneurship, beginning from conceiving the idea of business, establishing it and then finally operating it successfully.

For me this is the number one reason why a business becomes a success or not. I see many business owners want to take action, too quickly.  They want it now! I also see these same business owners, stressed, pulled in a million directions and in mental overwhelm. Unfortunately, this generates mixed up results. When you stepped on this path of entrepreneurship, if you're like me, you became a sponge for knowledge. If there was a new strategy you heard about, you found a resource to become skilled in learning that strategy. If there was an event you knew you needed to be at, you figured out how to get there. You were probably over-enthusiastic to learn, learn, learn and implement what you learned in your business.

But did anyone ever suggest you stop all of the information gathering and ask yourself the deeper questions of, "Is this right for me? Is this aligned with who I am, what my business is and what's important to me?" Some female entrepreneurs just keep going, keep ploughing through their to-do list without taking time to step back and truly assess where they're at and what direction they're headed. Other female entrepreneurs I've spoken with are just now stepping back to ask themselves what they've been doing for the past several months (or years)... and if it's really working for them.

By taking time to assess things, you'll allow yourself to see what's working in and what isn't working in your business and more importantly what is and isn't working for YOU! It may be that your greatest source of income is also coming from the service that causes you the most amount of stress. This is not in alignment. Your income ought to come from your greatest joy. So, these are the things to be looking for. Where does your business FEEL right and where does it not?

I encourage my clients to STOP and take stock and ask them some pretty challenging but insightful questions. These questions when fully addressed will provide a very clear indication as to whether the business owner is loving their business or whether things needs to be changed within the business owner so that there is much more alignment.

Thinking ahead and recognising early when things aren’t working effectively and adjusting how you approach things in your business as well as getting the right support around is probably the most powerful thing a smart woman could do in her business!

To help with this process, I am excited to announce my forth-coming workshop - Align Your Business To Your Purpose, where you will discover how to become more in step with your business, so that it flourishes. You will also discover the 7 deadly sins you could be making as a female entrepreneur and how to have a virtuous business.

The day will also include the launch of my new Deluxe Mastermind group which offers on-going continuous support to serious minded business owners at non-deluxe prices.

The workshop day takes place on Wednesday 17th July at The Saxon Mill, Warwick at 10.00 am.

Full details and where to book are at: